Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

Business English 2 Task 3

My name is Bakti Mujiantoro 
My NPM is 15114174 
My class is 4KA26

I will explain about the description, history, and types of the mouse

This my video:

Kamis, 19 April 2018

Business English 2

Motivation Letter

Scholarship Selection Committee University of Cambridge
In place

Introduce my name is Bakti Mujiantoro, I come from Indonesia and I have been studying at Gunadarma University majoring in Information Systems semester 8. I am interested in taking a postgraduate scholarship at the University of Cambridge majoring in computer science.

My reason when I majored in Computer Science at Gunadarma University is that I am very interested in the computer world and also in the world of computer science is very much needed once. To do that, I have decided to take my bachelor degree to the next level, and assign a Masters degree in that field. computer science as my next target. Because getting this master degree will give me the skills and strong knowledge to help me achieve my dream of making a search system like google. Because now no one can match the advantages of google search site. In addition to google search site can also be able to send emails, save a file, images, or sound, and also can be used for directions using google maps application and still many advantages of google and I want to create a system like google.

My experience of studying for 8 semesters at Gunadarma University is I have ever made a scientific writing with the theme of design decision-making using correlation between products using data mining techniques based on desktop applications. In scientific writing I discuss about how to determine the relationship of items of the most items sold in sales transactions. This allows for quick, efficient, and targeted decision-making for the implementation of marketing strategies and reduces risk costs, as well as improves profits by retrieving strategic information from available information. Like that explanation of the scientific writing I have done, so with this experience I personally think that I will be a suitable candidate for the Master's Program in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge.

The main reason I want to take the Master of Computer Science Program at the University of Cambridge because I always wanted to continue studying in the UK, because there the development of information technology is very rapid and University of Cambridge is one of the famous University in the UK, especially in London. The University of Cambridge is also concerned with research aspects, employability of graduates, faculty commitment and international outlook. The University of Cambridge is also one of the largest universities in the UK capable of producing outstanding academics capable of being recognized worldwide. This proves that the intellectuals of the students as well as the research conducted play an active role in improving the environment. The activities of this University are always supported by the Quality Assurance Agency, and will be reviewed directly by external reviewers in the UK. The lecturing process is not only done during lectures, seminars and practical classes led by people who are experts in their fields, but also through colleges.

If I am accepted at the University of Cambridge and pass the study on time then I will return to Indonesia by utilizing the science that I can get there to achieve my dream that I have described earlier and also a researcher at a university in my homeland in computer science and also I would like to share my knowledge with others by holding a seminar to share the knowledge that I can especially to the students who are eager to continue study abroad.

So this motivation letter I made to be taken into consideration. Thank you for your attention.

Yours Faithfully,

Bakti Mujiantoro


Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

Business English 2

Image result for hacker

Pronouns Analysis : Hacker Surabaya Black Hat (SBH)

1.1  Background

Hackers are people who study, analyze, modify, break into computers and computer networks, either for profit or motivated by challenges. Hackers can also be categorized work done to find weaknesses of a system and provide ideas or opinions that can improve the weaknesses of the system it finds.
The latest one is that three students of a private university in Surabaya are desperate to breach the digital site security system in 44 countries, including those of the United States government. Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Pol Kombes Argo Yuwono called the suspect NA (21), KPS (21), and ATP (21), breaking 600 sites in 44 countries.
Hacking group called Surabaya black hat (SBY) allegedly hacked thousands of sites in dozens of countries due to economic motives. This is revealed from the police investigation, where the suspects are known to ask tens of millions of rupiah to the victims. After hacked he sent via email, if you want repaired, must pay money around Rp15-25 million. As for the results of hacking and extortion, each suspect can reap hundreds of millions of rupiah in a year. For example throughout 2017, one person pocketed Rp100-Rp200 million.
But one of Surabaya Black Hat hackers has been contracted by a foreign company to audit the IT security system. There are several companies and agencies that hire him, including one of the universities in the United States. Some are from America, the hosting companies there also use me for security audit information system and there are from universities in America, "said NAP in a conversation with AFP in Polda Metro Jaya.
I strongly disagree with the actions of hackers from Surabaya or the so-called black hat, because their deeds can harm some parties. They also blackmail the hacked parties by them. But the good thing is they are offered a job by an American origin company assigned to audit the IT security system. But it's not good to use such a way to earn money and work, we better use our skills to get it all. The hackers should be hired and hired in government IT agencies to strengthen programming created by government programmers.

1.2  Theory

In grammar, a pronoun is defined as a word or phrase that may be substituted for a noun or noun phrase, which once replaced, is known as the pronoun’s antecedent. How is this possible? In a nutshell, it’s because pronouns can do everything that nouns can do. A pronoun can act as a subject, direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition, and more. Without pronouns, we’d have to keep on repeating nouns, and that would make our speech and writing repetitive, not to mention cumbersome. Most pronouns are very short words. Examples include:
  •          He
  •          She
  •          They
  •          It
  •          We
  •          Who

As mentioned, pronouns are usually used to replace nouns, however they can also stand in for certain adverbsadjectives, and other pronouns. Anytime you want to talk about a person, animal, place or thing, you can use pronouns to make your speech or writing flow better.

Types of Pronouns
Pronouns can be divided into numerous categories including:

1.      Indefinite pronouns
Indefinite pronouns are those referring to one or more unspecified objects, beings, or places. They are called “indefinite” simply because they do not indicate the exact object, being, or place to which they refer.
Indefinite pronouns include partitives such as any, anybody, anyone, either, neither, nobody, no, someone, and some; they also include universals such as every, all, both, and each; finally, they include quantifiers including any, some, several, enough, many, and much. Many indefinite pronouns can also function as determiners.

2.      Personal pronoun
A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated primarily with a particular person, in the grammatical sense.
When discussing “person” in terms of the grammatical, the following rules apply:
  •          First person, as in “I”
  •          Second person, as in “you”
  •          Third person, as in “It, he, she”
      3.    Reflexive pronoun
A reflexive pronoun is a type of pronoun that is preceded by the adverbadjectivepronoun, or noun to which it refers, so long as that antecedent is located within the same clause.

4.    demonstrative pronoun
A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is used to point to something specific within a sentence. These pronouns can indicate items in space or time, and they can be either singular or plural.

5.      Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns are those designating possession. They may also be used as substitutes for noun phrases, and they are typically found at the end of a sentence or clause. There are only a few possessive pronouns in the English language, and there are only two specific rules for using them correctly. Keep these rules in mind when using possessive pronouns, and you’ll discover that writing properly is easier.

6.      relative pronoun
A relative pronoun is one which is used to refer to nouns mentioned previously, whether they are people, places, things, animals, or ideas. Relative pronouns can be used to join two sentences.

7.      interrogative pronoun
An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun which is used to make asking questions easy. There are just five interrogative pronouns. Each one is used to ask a very specific question or indirect question. Some, such as “who” and “whom,” refer only to people. Others can be used to refer to objects or people. Once you are familiar with interrogative pronouns, you’ll find that it’s very easy to use them in a variety of situations.

8.      reciprocal pronoun
A reciprocal pronoun is a pronoun which is used to indicate that two or more people are carrying out or have carried out an action of some type, with both receiving the benefits or consequences of that action simultaneously. Any time something is done or given in return, reciprocal pronouns are used. The same is true any time mutual action is expressed.

9.      intensive pronoun
An intensive pronoun is almost identical to a reflexive pronoun. It is defined as a pronoun that ends in self or selves and places emphasis on its antecedent by referring back to another noun or pronoun used earlier in the sentence. For this reason, intensive pronouns are sometimes called emphatic pronouns.

1.3  Analysis

Pronouns Type
Example from my background
Indefinite pronouns
     1.      each suspect can reap hundreds of millions of rupiah in a year.
     2.      either for profit or motivated by challenges.
     3.      we better use our skills to get it all.
     4.      Some are from America.
     5.      because their deeds can harm some parties.
Personal pronouns
    1.      I strongly disagree with the actions of hackers from Surabaya or the so-called black hat.
     2.      They also blackmail the hacked parties by them.
Reflexive pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns
     1.      But it's not good to use such a way to earn money and work.
     2.      This is revealed from the police investigation.
     3.      There are several companies and agencies that hire him.
Possessive pronouns
     1.      because their deeds can harm some parties.
Relative pronouns
     1.      Hackers are people who study, analyze, modify, break into computers.
     2.      There are several companies and agencies that hire him
Interrogative pronouns
Reciprocal pronouns
Intensive pronouns

1.4 Conclusion
            Conclusion from the background above is already a lot of hackers in Indonesia who can hack some sites abroad. In addition to hacking several sites, the hackers also ask for ransom to companies that have been hacked by their system. Although they have been arrested by the police, but they must be given counseling so as not to repeat his actions. The analysis used is about pronouns. In the above analysis the author uses 5 types of pronouns namely Indefinite pronouns, Personal pronouns, Demonstrative pronouns, Possessive pronouns, Relative pronouns.


Jumat, 07 Juli 2017



Setelah sebelumnya kita hanya membuat storyboard untuk iklan layanan masyarakat, tapi kali ini adalah membuat animasinya yang sudah berbentuk video tentang iklan layanan masyarakat yang telah kita buat yaitu tentang ibadah berpuasa pada bulan ramadhan.

Software yang kita gunakan dalam membuat animasi ini adalah:

1. http://www.storyboardthat.com/ yang digunakan untuk membuat animasi dari jalan cerita video tersebut.

2. Yang kedua menggunakan software MAGIX Vegas Pro 14 untuk membuat video animasinya

Berikut video animasinya :

Created By:

1. Adity Noor Fauzi 
2. Bakti Mujiantoro
3. Farhan Muhammad R A
4. Ilham Faizi

Kelas : 3KA26

Minggu, 16 April 2017


Software yang Digunakan Untuk Membuat Animasi

1. Macromedia flash

Macromedia flash adalah sebuah program software yang berfungsi untuk membuat animasi dua dimensi yang sangat handal dibandingkan dengan program lain. Kehandalannya ialah ukuran file hasil animasi yang kecil. macromedia flash tidak hanya digunakan untuk membuat animasi melainkan juga digunakan membuat menu interaktif, dan membuat presentasi software.
Kelebihan Program Aplikasi Adobe Macromedia Flash
• Merupakan teknologi animasi web yang paling populer saat ini sehingga banyak didukung  oleh berbagai pihak.
• Ukuran file yang kecil dengan kualitas yang baik.
• Kebutuhan hardware yang tidak tinggi.
• Dapat membuat website, cd-interaktif, animasi web, animasi kartun, kartu elektronik, iklan TV, banner di web, presentasi interaksi, permainan, aplikasi web dan handphone.
• Dapat ditampilkan di berbagai media seperti Web, CD-ROM, VCD, DVD, Televisi, Handphone dan PDA.
• Adanya Actionscript. Dengan actionscript anda dapat membuat animasi dengan menggunakan kode sehingga memperkecil ukuran file. Karena adanya actionscript ini juga Flash dapat untuk membuat game karena script dapat menyimpan variable dan nilai, melakukan perhitungan, dsb. yang berguna dalam game. Selain itu, Flash adalah program berbasis vektor.

Kelemahan-kelemahan yang ada di Microsoft power point, seperti penambahan sebuah animasi yang lebih beragam dan menarik serta pengaturan navigasi  yang lebih kompleks  akan bisa diatasi apa bila kita menggunakan Program Macromedia Flash.  Macromedia juga menjadi salah satu alternatif didalam pembuatan animasi bergerak yang kemudian kita kenal dengan istilah kartun. Dengan program ini kita bisa berkreasi  sesuai dengan  selera serta imajinasi, satu hal lagi yang menjadi kehandalan program ini adalah memungkinkan penanbahan sebuah program database, walau sebenarnya ini tidak terlalu penting didalam pembuatan presentasi.

Spesifikasi untuk install Macromedia Flash Player 8 Professional:
1. Windows 2000/2003 / XP / Vista / Seven (32 or sisty four bit)
2. 1 Ghz of Processor
3. 1 GB RAM
4. 700 MB of free HDD house
5. Resolusi 1024 x 768

2. 3D Studio Max

3D Studio Max (kadangkala disebut 3ds Max atau hanya MAX) adalah sebuah perangkat lunak grafik vektor 3-dimensi dan animasi, ditulis oleh Autodesk Media & Entertainment (dulunya dikenal sebagai Discreet and Kinetix. Perangkat lunak ini dikembangkan dari pendahulunya 3D Studio fo DOS, tetapi untuk platform Win32. Kinetix kemudian bergabung dengan akuisisi terakhir Autodesk,Discreet Logic. Versi terbaru 3Ds Max pada Juli 2005 adalah 7. 3Ds Max Autodesk 8 diperkirakan akan tersedia pada akhir tahun. Hal ini telah diumumkan oleh Discreet di Siggraph 2005.

3ds Max adalah salah satu paket perangkat lunak yang paling luas digunakan sekarang ini, karena beberapa alasan seperti penggunaan platform Microsoft Windows, kemampuan mengedit yang serba bisa, dan arsitektur plugin yang banyak.
Kegunaan 3D Studio Max                                   
Digunakan dalam pembuatan film animasi 3 dimensi maupun finishing object, baik untuk keperluan film, iklan, arsitektural (interior dan exterior, 3D building design), dan kegunaan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan pembuatan obyek tiga dimensi.

Kelebihan 3D Studio Max
  • ·         Mampu membuat objek Virtual secara 3 dimensi. dan bentuk dapat diubah sesuai keinginan.
  • ·         Mampu memberikan kesan material mendekati aslinya seperti material kayu, batuan, dan tanah.
  • ·   Mampu memberikan efek-efek khusus pada hasil akhir produk seperti efek cahaya dan bayangan, efek atmosfir seperti api, kabut dan lighting.
  • ·         Dapat menjalankan proses animasi, gambar dapat digerakan dan dirubah bentuknya serta diatur proses animasinya.

Kekurangan 3D Studio Max
3D Studio max mungkin bagus untuk pemula dan dapat membuat karakter efisien dan cepat, tetapi memiliki beberapa kelemahan bahwa harus dipertimbangkan. Dibandingkan dengan Maya 3D, kemampuan untuk membuat karya visual dengan pencahayaan kompleks adalah proses yang lebih lama dan lebih membosankan. Membuat lanskap juga dapat sedikit karena sulit untuk kamera. Kamera memiliki kecenderungan untuk memperbesar dan keluar dengan cara kereta jika benda-benda besar diimpor atas benda kecil dalam program ini.

Spesifikasi untuk install 3D Studio Max adalah:

Komputer,untuk ngerender, main game, yang lumayan berat, bisa dianggap spesifikasi yang cukup sedang dan ga terlalu makan hati kalau mau pakai 3dsMax:
  • ·         Motherboard Elite A785GM-AD3 Black series
  • ·         Processor AMD Phenom X6 1090T 3.2GHz
  • ·         Hardisk 500 Gb
  • ·         Memory 4 Gb
  • ·         VGA card  NVidia GeForce 8400GS 1024Mb 64bit 

Laptop, untuk internetan, dipakai buat 3dsmax dan Sketchup juga bisa, sambil nunggu renderan animasi di komputer satunya biasanya. Tapi menurut saya ini spesifikasi yang agak minimal untuk 3dsMax:
  • ·         Toshiba Satellite L505D
  • ·         Processor AMD II Dual core M300 2GHz
  • ·         HDD 280 Gb
  • ·         Memory 2 Gb
  • ·         VGA Card ATI Radeon 512Mb

Software :
  • ·         Operating system Windows7 64-bit
  • ·         3dsmax 2011 64bit dengan Vray Adv 2.00.01
  • ·         Sketchup Pro 8 dengan Vray1.48.89

3. Blender

Blender adalah aplikasi grafis 3D yang dirilis sebagai perangkat lunak bebas(open source) dibawah GNU (General Public License). Blender dapat digunakan untuk modelung, UV unwrapping, texturing, Rigging, Water simulation, skinning, animating, rendering, particle, simulation, non-linear editing, compositing, dan membuat interactive 3D aplication termasuk juga sebuah GAME.

untuk sejumlah OS (operating System/ sistem operasi) antara lain : Linux, Mac OS X, dan Microsoft Windows. Feature yang termasuk dalam software Blender ini diantaranya advance simulation tools seperti rigid body, fluid, cloth and softbody dynamics, modifier based modeling tools, powerfull animation tools, a node based material and composite system and phyton untuk scripting.

Kelebihan Blender
Blender adalah salah satu software open source yang digunakan untuk membuat konten multimedia khusunya 3Dimensi, ada kelemahan dan beberapa kelebihan yang dimiliki Blender dibandingkan software sejenis. Berikut kelebihannya :

  • ·         Open Source

Blender merupakan salah satu software open source, dimana kita bisa bebas memodifikasi source codenya untuk keperluan pribadi maupun komersial, asal tidak melanggar GNU General Public License yang digunakan Blender.

  • ·         Multi Platform

Karena sifatnya yang open source, Blender tersedia untuk berbagai macam operasi sistem seperti Linux, Mac dan Windows. Sehingga file yang dibuat menggunakan Blender versi Linux tak akan berubah ketika dibuka di Blender versi Mac maupun Windows.

  • ·         Update

Dengan status yang Open Source, Blender bisa dikembangkan oleh siapapun. Sehingga update software ini jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan software sejenis lainnya. Bahkan dalam hitungan jam, terkadang software ini sudah ada update annya. Update an tersebut tak tersedia di situs resmi blender.org melainkan di graphicall.org

  • ·         Free

Blender merupakan sebuah software yang Gratis Blender gratis bukan karena tidak laku, melainkan karena luar biasanya fitur yang mungkin tak dapat dibeli dengan uang, selain itu dengan digratiskannya software ini, siapapun bisa berpartisipasi dalam mengembangkannya untuk menjadi lebih baik. Gratisnya Blender mendunia bukan seperti 3DMAX/ Lainnya yang di Indonesia Gratis membajak :p. Tak perlu membayar untuk mendapatkan cap LEGAL. Karena Blender GRATIS dan LEGAL

  • ·         Lengkap

Blender memiliki fitur yang lebih lengkap dari software 3D lainnya.  Coba cari software 3D selain Blender yang di dalamnya tersedia fitur Video editing, Game Engine, Node Compositing, Sculpting. Bukan plugin lho ya, tapi sudah include atau di bundling seperti Blender.

  • ·         Ringan

Blender relatif ringan jika dibandingkan software sejenis. Hal ini terbuti dengan sistem minimal untuk menjalankan Blender. Hanya dengan RAM 512 dan prosesor Pentium 4 / sepantaran dan VGA on board, Blender sudah dapat berjalan dengan baik namun tidak bisa digunakan secara maksimal. Misal untuk membuat highpolly akan sedikit lebih lambat.

  • ·         Komunitas Terbuka

Tidak perlu membayar untuk bergabung dengan komunitas Blender yang sudah tersebar di dunia. Dari yang newbie sampai yang sudah advance terbuka untuk menerima masukan dari siapapun, selain itu mereka juga saling berbagi tutorial dan file secara terbuka. Salah satu contoh nyatanya adalah OPEN MOVIE garapan Blender Institute.

Untuk spekifikasi yang dibutuhkan untuk penginstallan software ini sangatlah sederhana,yaitu:
·         Intel pentium III atau lebih/ AMD dsbg
  • ·         Ram 64Mb
  • ·         VGA 4Mb
  • ·         Disk Space 35Mb
  • ·         Windows 2000 dan lebih, Linux.

Dari 3 software diatas saya lebih memilih software blender dikarenakan software blender untuk spesifiksi untuk laptop maupun computer tidak terlalu banyak syaratnya ketimbang dengan software macromedia flash dan 3d studio max. Apalagi software ini sudah open source dan ringan sekali digunakan pada spesifik laptop yang masih rendah. Dan yang menggunakan software ini juga sudah lumayan banyak jadi kita bisa mempelajarinya dengan mudah.
